Details for this torrent 

Alan Moore's Watchmen (complete)
Other > Comics
198.49 MB

+13 / -2 (+11)

May 10, 2005

^Short storysetting to get you excited :)

Everybody should know this classic about middleaged ex-superheroes and the facing armageddon, but if you haven't heard of this.. Now is the time! 

Contains all 12 parts in cdisplay-format (.cbr/.cbz), the program which you can get from the address below, great software and FREE


Many thanks psyholic! =D
Yeah, have had this a long time and just now noticed that this pearl is missing from the ocean that is piratebay. It's a must have for everyone :)

Got more of Moore and Miller, will upload later...
Many thanks for this one! I've been wanting to check out this series for a while now.
Great Torrent idd!
Couldn't open issue 00 (annotations), think it's HTML files, but all the other issues (1-12) were there and working.

Keep up the good stuff!
thnk u so much, i really apreciate it :D
Thanks a bunch!
Downloading now, will seed for a while when i got it.

thanks in advance, heard some great things about this one :)
Great Torrent,
Please please seed some more, I will seed for weeks if some one can seed it for me please.

Thanks in avance
they are making a movie after this
thats whats really good! thanks i'll be seeding for a while
any suggestions on how, if possible, to get this to open on a mac?
change the file extension on the annotations file from .cbz to .rar and you can then open the html files in your browser.
This is total bullshit. Only contains the last part and they're all jpgs, not cbz/cbr. Complete waste of time.
Can anyone tell me how to convert my bunch of jpegs (for a comic book) into one of those nice little cbr files? Visited the CD Display site to see if there was an additional application to buy but my email bounce back via daemon failure. I have some Alan Moorse Swamp Thing I am trying to organize so this advice would be most helpful. Thanks!
Pages are cropped at the bottom.
Rename 00 from .cbr to .rar then it will open with the html notes for each issue.
does anyone have alan moore's miracle man or his run on swamp thing? with all the alan moore excellent torrents, both seem to be left out..... thank you in advance
if you havent read this, you should.

even if you don't like comics. read this.

even if you don't care about superheroes. read this.
Can someone help me open this torrent? I have a mac and i have the comical program, ut it still doesnt work.
Nice work ThanX!!
Many thanks to you...
Thank you, dude.
Hey, does anyone know where I can find a torrent for Comic Book Creator. I had found one before but it was only a demo version.
Can't wait for the Watchmen movie!
Thank you, thank you thank you!

Much thanks, need to read before movie.
Been wanting this for awhile.
1,000 thanks to psycholic! I can't wait for the film!
What,.. there's a movie coming out? damn!
A Must-Have Comic!!!! Thanks psyholic!!!!!
Thank you very much!
Why is the first half .cbr (Which is great) and the rest .jpegs? Fuckin' bullshit mate...who wants to open them one by one? I know it's free, and yes I know I'm bitching, but jesus pick which format and stick to it, cbz(ing) comics is stupid and messy. However, thank you for your upload, blahdy blahdy blah...
The first part of the comic is missing pages. If you look at the bottom left goes from page 5 to page 15.
Great. Thanks for this.

Nice job on the CDisplay link. Very useful.

preview %links%/video.html

screens %links%/screens.html
